Thursday, 2 May 2013

Starting to inject the stims before my IVF treatment

Last night was day 1!  Without getting way way ahead of myself I worked out that if I conceive with this round of treatment I will have a due date of February 5 2014! (Or perhaps closer to Xmas 2013 if Posey's little brother or sister had the same agenda as her...)

How was my first injection last night?
It was ok.  It hurt more than the down reg ones but that's perhaps because on this phase of treatment there are 2 injections rather than just 1 every evening.  It wasn't extremely painful, just uncomfortable.  I have reduced my down reg dose of suprecur (burserelin) from 0.5to 0.2 and I'm taking a dose of 150 gonal f as my stims.  The gonal f comes from an injection pen, which has recently been upgraded and is far easier to use than the old pen!

So for the next few days I need to be injecting my doses of suprecur and gonal f every evening.  The gonal f will stimulate the follicles on both sides of my ovaries to grow grow grow!!

What's next?
I'm booked back in at the clinic next Tuesday morning for another scan to see how my little follies are growing, how the lining of my uterus is thickening up and for the nurses to assess my doses in case they need to be increased or decreased.

How do I feel?
Quite emotional / hormonal.
I have had 3 hot flushes so far today (it's only 10am..) and 2 other hot flushes woke me up in the night.
I also feel like I need a wee all the time.  Not ideal!

Talking about non-IVF matters, today is a gorgeous day so Posey and I will be going to her dancing class and then to the park.  Lovely :)


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