Thursday, 23 May 2013

Over half way through the 2ww

I've often read articles on IVF that mention how the whole 2ww can be the hardest part of IVF treatment for many.  For me, that's absolutely right.

In the run up to egg collection and embryo / blastocyst transfer you have around a month of down reg and stims injections, so there's something happening every day.  You also have your scans to check how your little follicles are growing.  It kind of keeps you going knowing you have an injection to do that night and every one you do is one closer to the end result.  On the 2ww you're literally waiting!!

I was quite fortunate this time as I had my egg collection on day 0 then blastocyst transfer on day 5.  We are now on day 9.  My pregnancy blood test is booked for day 15, so I only really have 10 days to wait between transfer and testing.

Clinics tend to advise you not to test early as the levels of HCG in your blood can give false positives or negatives as you can still have an amount of HCG left in your system from the trigger shot you take before egg collection.

I have no pregnancy tests in my house and I'm determined to get to my blood test on day 15 without testing at home first.  I want to be certain of the result.  It is driving me a little insane though.  I have no idea if my little embie has stuck.  I want to know NOW but I know I must wait just a few more days.


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