Thursday, 28 March 2013

My Daddy's Girl :(

Ok, so Posey is a Daddy's girl.  Whenever Buzz isn't at work she wants him.  She wants him to read her stories, play megabloks with her, take her for a walk and feed her 'choc choc'. We think she sees him as the soft touch because most of her time is with me and that means I make her eat her meals, I change her nappies, I'm the one doing chores in the house with her.

When Daddy's home it's all fun fun fun.  It was ok until this week (typical!) as i accepted that was just how things were at the moment but yesterday Posey literally stood by the front window waiting for him to get home from work and from the second he got home, it was all cuddles with daddy.  I didn't get a look in :(

Unfortunately this morning was the same.  Mummy was second best and she just wanted Daddy.  When he left for work she cried and called through the front door for him.  It may sound selfish but it's heartbreaking.  I waited 4 years for her to be here, I nurtured her as a baby and I do so many fun things with her - soft play, music classes, singing, stories, building towers, dancing - so why does she seem to love Daddy more than me?

I hope this is mind talk but I must admit it's starting to take over my life a little and I worry Posey doesn't like me.  It makes me upset and that much more hellbent on having another baby x

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