Sunday 22 December 2013

The terrible twos & becoming a big sister

Most people that strike up a conversation with Posey at the moment hear "Sister coming soon.  Helping mummy look after baby" or "My toys are mine".  Bless Posey :) only time will tell whether she understands we're having a real baby who will need lots of care or whether she thinks it's a doll!

I've had loads of chats with Posey over the months about the baby arriving and how special it'll be, but that we'll have to work together to look after the baby by sharing toys, going out together, reading books together and all getting on well.  Posey may not have walked until she was 18mths old but boy can she talk!! I'm not a competitive mum by any stretch but I will say Posey's verbal communication is pretty impressive for a child not yet 2.5.  I think the fact she can express her thoughts, needs and requirements in words keeps many terrible twos moments at bay as for her, the frustration of not being understood isn't there.  What I will say though, is she gets Buzz and me to herself an awful lot of the time and that is all about to change, which does worry me!!!

We spend hours reading to her, building duplo towers, playing at the park / soft play, going to the farm etc etc.  Posey is our lives! We both feel we need to do the same things with her once the baby arrives and also both still spend plenty of time on our own with her too.  I've chosen to bottle feed the baby from birth as I think that will really help me be able to still do things with just Posey and me.  She says "I love mummy and Posey days" regularly.  I really do too! I will express like Daisy the cow to get as much of the good stuff I can for the new baby but I do believe formula milk is just as good plus Buzz and I can share the feeds / bonding sessions with the baby.  We both want Posey to feel secure and like her world has only got better, not that some of her favourite things have suddenly stopped.  Posey also refers to herself as "Mummy's helper" often too, so we will encourage her to help us by doing things like sitting next to us when feeding the baby and showing the baby pictures in books, choosing outfits for the baby, passing us nappies at change time, singing to the baby and, as she puts it "looking after the baby in the car."  Hopefully we can keep any terrible twos behaviour to a minimum.  One thing is for certain...I daren't give the baby any hand me downs...everything is "Posey's!!!!!!!".  I think you have to puck your battles as a parent, and that is not one I will choose....


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