So today I am 13 weeks pregnant. 13 weeks and I'm still struggling to believe I'm fortunate enough for this to be happening to me again and also spending much of my time wondering if I really am pregnant or if it's a dream!
Last week Buzz and I went together for our 12 week scan. We were pretty much straight in there (with a very full bladder...) so there wasn't much waiting around. We saw our baby straight away on the monitor, moving and kicking around! We also saw the heartbeat and as I arched my hips so the sonographer could get a better view we saw 2 little legs & feet and two arms! It amazed me this time (as it did last time) how much you can see on a little baby who measures little more than 12cm in length! Our baby's face was very clear, we could see the nasal bone and we even got a little wave :)
Our baby is measuring bang on for dates, with a good heartbeat and the nuchal fold measurement was 1.6mm. The sonographer told us that anything over 2.5mm would be a concern. We have gone for the combined nuchal fold test this time so are currently awaiting the results of my blood tests in order for the midwives to work out our risk factor for Down's syndrome & other chromosomal abnormalities. If we are a high risk, we will receive a phone call within 7 working days (we're now on day 5) and if we are lower risk they will write to us. Hopefully we will receive a letter in the post and not a phone call.
Over the last week I've felt pretty good. It was so nice to see our baby again and know that it's developing correctly. We have told a number of our close friends & family this week that we are expecting a little brother or sister for Violet. Everyone has been thrilled for us! I have also done a little online shopping of the maternity ranges at Topshop and so I now have some lovely, comfy, fashionable clothes that will see me through this pregnancy. I am loving my elasticated waistband jeans as my tummy seems to be getting bigger each day!
I have also launched my third business over the last week, which I'm really proud of. Being at home being a mum and working as & when it suits me is definitely for me.
A great ultrasound! And congrats on the 3rd business you've just launched. I recently launched my first business last month, it's pretty exciting!