Monday, 29 July 2013

Second trimester here I come!

So today I am 13 weeks pregnant.  13 weeks and I'm still struggling to believe I'm fortunate enough for this to be happening to me again and also spending much of my time wondering if I really am pregnant or if it's a dream!

Last week Buzz and I went together for our 12 week scan.  We were pretty much straight in there (with a very full bladder...) so there wasn't much waiting around.  We saw our baby straight away on the monitor, moving and kicking around! We also saw the heartbeat and as I arched my hips so the sonographer could get a better view we saw 2 little legs & feet and two arms!  It amazed me this time (as it did last time) how much you can see on a little baby who measures little more than 12cm in length!  Our baby's face was very clear, we could see the nasal bone and we even got a little wave :)

Our baby is measuring bang on for dates, with a good heartbeat and the nuchal fold measurement was 1.6mm.  The sonographer told us that anything over 2.5mm would be a concern.  We have gone for the combined nuchal fold test this time so are currently awaiting the results of my blood tests in order for the midwives to work out our risk factor for Down's syndrome & other chromosomal abnormalities.  If we are a high risk, we will receive a phone call within 7 working days (we're now on day 5) and if we are lower risk they will write to us.  Hopefully we will receive a letter in the post and not a phone call.

Over the last week I've felt pretty good.  It was so nice to see our baby again and know that it's developing correctly.  We have told a number of our close friends & family this week that we are expecting a little brother or sister for Violet.  Everyone has been thrilled for us!  I have also done a little online shopping of the maternity ranges at Topshop and so I now have some lovely, comfy, fashionable clothes that will see me through this pregnancy.  I am loving my elasticated waistband jeans as my tummy seems to be getting bigger each day!

I have also launched my third business over the last week, which I'm really proud of.  Being at home being a mum and working as & when it suits me is definitely for me.


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Hurray hurray! 12 weeks pregnant today!

Wowzers, I feel like I've reached a magical milestone today - the 12 week mark!

I feel very fortunate to have just written the above sentence as my twitter feed is currently littered with a lot of BFNs, news of miscarriage, girls not responding to IVF treatment and those waiting to start treatment.  Pregnancy really is a blessing and does not always come easily.

Today Buzz, Posey and I are just chilling at home.  It's the perfect family Sunday really as the weather is lovely and we can use the garden.  We have all the patio doors open at the back of the house so we can just potter around!

Tuesday is a big day as that's when Buzz and I have our 12 week scan to confirm dates and ensure the baby is developing correctly,  I have no reason to believe things aren't as they should be but naturally there's fear in my mind that something might not be right.  I have lots of things to keep me busy until Tuesday and then our scan is at 8.50am so will be here before I know it hopefully.

Tuesday is also Posey's first day at preschool.  She's now 23 months and is graduating from nursery to preschool at her current school.  She has to wear a uniform from now on! Scary stuff!  Hopefully she'll settle in well.  Lots of her friends are moving with her so she'll be with familiar faces.

I had to start taking Pregaday iron tablets this week as my iron levels were low.  I had been feeling very very tired and a little dizzy from time to time and now I feel much less so, so hopefully they ,ve made a good difference.  I have to take them until the baby arrives.

I'm also still taking my pregnacare supplements daily as well as my crinone progesterone pessaries each day.  I have to take my crinone each evening until I'm 13 weeks and then every 2 evenings until I'm 14 weeks.  By then the placenta will have taken over from the yolk sack and my body will no longer need the extra progesterone.  Much as it puts my mind at rest taking it at the moment, I'll be pleased to stop as it is a little yucky!!

Wish me luck for Tuesday x

Sunday, 14 July 2013

11 weeks pregnant :)

Hurray hurray, just one more week until 'ok'! In theory....

I think you read a lot about how the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the most critical and then after that, coupled with your 12 week scan, the risk of miscarriage reduces dramatically and it's kind of ok to start announcing your pregnancy to friends and colleagues.

Buzz and I announced my pregnancy with Posey when I was around 13 weeks and we'd had the results of our nuchal fold scan back, which gave us a low risk of Down's syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.  I already had a bit of a bump, and we felt we'd waited so long that it was finally OUR turn to announce our pregnancy.  What an amzing feeling that was!

On my 12 week scan I will actually be 12+2 and we will have our nuchal fold scan that day too.  I have a bump already! I'm naturally somewhere between a size 6-8 so being petite, my bump is quite obvious.  I've been hiding it with skinny jeans and loose fitting tops.  I'm looking forward to not having to do that for much longer!

Buzz and I have decided that we'll wait until we have our nuchal fold scan results again before we announce our current pregnancy. I imagine I'll be somewhere between 13-14 weeks by then so going into my second trimester.

So how am I feeling just now?

Bit mixed tbh.  At my booking appt when I was 9+3 they did standard blood tests and yesterday I received a letter in the post advising me to collect sme iron tablets from my maternity unit as I'm anaemic.  I felt like crying, like I'd let us down.  I took iron supplements through my pregnancy with Posey but not until around 20 weeks.  I've been feeling pretty exhausted again over the last 2 weeks and a little dizzy from time to time, so I guess that's explained by my iron deficiency.  I'm vegetarian, so although I take my pregnacare supplements, of course I don't get iron through meat.  While pregnant with Posey, I had regular nosebleeds too, and I had one 2 days ago, so perhaps they're going to feature in this pregnancy too!

Apart from that & some bloating (which I'm blaming on my crinone progesterone supplements) I'm ok! Enjoying being pregnant! Definitely looking forward to our 12 week scan next week too.


Sunday, 7 July 2013

10 weeks pregnant :)

Yay! So today is officially the day when our embryo turns into a foetus! We're also 25% of the way through my pregnancy.  How time flies.

I'm feeling pretty good just now.  I'm exhausted by 9.30pm but I have my energy back during the day and my nausea seems to have passed.  Hopefully it'll stay that way.  I've been enjoying lots of time outside with Posey in the sunshine over the last week but I'm having to wear as high a factor as her as my skin seems very sensitive to the sun.  I'm drinking loads and loads of water too to keep me hydrated.

Buzz and I went to our booking appointment this week too.  It was all fairly straightforward but the hospital have put me under consultant care this time rather than sole midwife-care as Posey arrived prematurely.  I feel ok about it as I am terrified this baby will arrive early too, so the more care I get, the better.

My 12 week scan is booked for 23 July, which is a little over 2 weeks away.  I'll be 12+2 that day.  As I'll be 36 when the new baby arrives we have opted to have the nuchal fold scan as well as the dating scan.  The nuchal fold scan assesses the likelihood of our baby having downs syndrome as well as other chromosome-related conditions. We had the nuchal fold scan when I was pregnant with Posey too and the odds came back as a 55,000:1 chance of her having a condition, which was considered very low risk.

So for the next 2 weeks I will continue to look after myself and enjoy my pregnancy.  I'm eating well,  sleeping well and feeling pretty ok.  I feel fortunate, very fortunate.  Buzz, Posey and I are off to Norfolk for a little holiday tomorrow to recharge our batteries.  The weather is forecast to be lovely and sunny all week!


Monday, 1 July 2013

9 weeks pregnant and loving it x

Hurray hurray! The nausea and tiredness seem to have passed (for now..) and I'm feeling pretty good.  Today I am 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant with my second baby.  The 2 weeks since my viability scan seem to have flown by and I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead.  Buzz, Posey and I have a lot to look forward to.

Our booking appointment is in 2 days time.  This will be the first time we've seen a midwife this pregnancy.  The booking appointment is to confirm my pregnancy dates details, talk through my health and my previous pregnancy so we can plan the care I'll receive during this pregnancy.  Given Posey was a preemie I'm keen to keep my community midwife close.  The booking appointment feels like yet another milestone and I felt quite emotional when I received the letter with our appointment.

Next week the 3 of us are heading to a holiday cottage in Suffolk for 5 days.  We're really looking forward to it as the last few months have been tough at times.  It's only about 90 mins drive from us so perfect for Posey to have her nap in the car!

I am also looking forward to launching my third business venture on our return from holiday.  I've worked really hard on it and am proud of it.

It's Posey's birthday soon too so Buzz and I have been busy planning her party!  Very exciting but I can't quite believe she's about to turn 2. Time flies way too fast!
