Friday, 5 April 2013

Positive Mental Attitude!

A the start of this year one of my best friends bought me a book called "Start the Day with Katie" written by Katie Piper.  I think she is an amazing, inspirational girl and I have a huge amount of respect for her.  Each day there is a statement. An inspiring and thoughtful statement, which really makes me think.  I would totally recommend her book.  I've been reading ahead a little....

1. The day I pick up my first IVF drugs - "If you feel anger, acknowledge it, then learn to let it go.  The more it lingers, the greater it grows." I feel anger every day, anger that I have severe PCOS and can't just conceive a baby like 'that'.  I'm a good mum and can provide for a big family.  Life is unfair sometimes, but Katie is right.  Anger gets you nowhere!

2. The day I believe I will start my IVF stims injections - "Focus on the individual steps you need to take to achieve your goals, rather than worrying about the entire journey." WOW! I'm going to really remember this one :)

3. The day after the day I believe my Egg Collection will happen - "A positive attitude will open many doors."  Very true...

I can't think any further than that as it all depends on fertilisation and if/how many embryos we have. We got 1 out of 12 last time (but it was a good one = Posey!!) so I know not to count my chickens...

P M A !

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