Sunday, 17 November 2013

Into Week 30 of pregnancy!

Firstly, it really has been a number of weeks since I last blogged, so apologies for the lack of updates! If you follow me on twitter you'll have seen a few snippets I'm sure.  It really has been manic recently!!!

Today I am 29 weeks pregnant! It's a great feeling and I'm immensely proud of my big bump (which actually measures a little on the large side but we won't worry about that just yet..)

My second trimester was pretty easy going.  I felt fortunate.  I had plenty of energy, ate well, Posey was well behaved and Buzz and I did lots of preparation getting the bedroom ready for our new baby girl.  In fact, right now the only remaining purchase is the isofix base for her car seat! We 've delayed that as I'm having a new car delivered this week and will pop into John Lewis for a fitting once it's here.

So it's been very busy preparing the baby's bedroom.  Many people have commented on how organised I've been with it.  The truth is I'm terrified of having another early birth so want to stay in control as far as possible!  I was also aware that once my third trimester started the tiredness, heartburn and patchy sleep at night could start at any time, and boy was I right! Now most things are done I am spending a considerably greater amount of time relaxing and enjoying me time.  Buzz is being great with Posey and I've cut my work commitments right back, including selling one of my three businesses.  I really want to look after myself and stay pregnant for as long as possible.  If the baby arrives early I don't want to feel as if me being super-busy and un-chilled out as contributed to it.  It's world prematurity day today and I remember vividly the emotions I went through when posey arrived early and spent time on SCBU.  It was tough and I don't want to be there again.

I started a pregnancy yoga class in October.  I love it!  I sleep like a log afterwards and I find it very very relaxing.  I'll keep going as long as I'm able to.  I'd totally recommend it.  I've been doing some gentle TRX and Pilates with my personal trainer too.  I'll do that after the birth as well.  Posey used to sleep in her car seat while I did it last time so hopefully this time I'll be able to do it again, while Posey is at preschool and the baby is asleep! Fingers crossed!


Ps. I shall blog more about family, The terrible-twos and my top nursery purchases very soon x

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