Hi there, I'm Coco and this is my first blog post. I thought I should write a little bit about what I will be blogging about and tell you a bit about me.....
I'm gong to be blogging about my baby journey. I am 35 years old, I own & run 2 successful businesses, I love family time and I have a lot of friends. Some would say I have it all but there is one thing I don't seem to be able to do, something that most 'normal' people can do....and that is decide I want a baby, and just have one! I know it is not simple for many of us btw....
I have been happily married to Buzz for almost 7 years. I have severe polycystic ovaries however didn't know until we started trying for a baby, 14 months after we got married. Years of taking The Pill masked it. 4 years later and after a long assisted-conception journey our dreams came true when our beautiful daughter, Posey arrived.
Now Buzz and I would like Posey to have a little brother or sister, so we are embarking on another journey. One that we hope will be shorter. We want to complete our family. Am I scared? Yep, I'm terrified!
Don't get me wrong, I know how fortunate I am to have Posey and every day as she learns new things I feel immensely proud of her. She is my angel and I love her to bits. Buzz and I just want another Posey. She'd make a great big sister and despite what we've been through, Buzz and I are solid. We have a lot of love to give and our home & lifestyle is set up to grow our family.
So why am I so terrified? 3 reasons I guess:
1: IVF journeys are long. The hormones mess with your head. It's expensive. It takes over your life. It might not even work!!!!
2: Posey arrived at 35 weeks. She was just ready to arrive! She was ok but she needed special care for 10 days after she was born, including 5 days on the neonatal ward. You know that time that you dream of? Holding your newborn and posing for family pics? I didn't get that. I'd waited 4 years for that moment but Posey was whisked away into an incubator pretty quickly and I was left in the delivery suite being stitched back together and trying to express some colostrum. Yep, it hurt. It all hurt like hell.
3. After I returned to my old office job when Posey was 10 months, I hated it. I was overworked, I missed Posey, and I had little sup port from my manager. 2 months later I'd been signed off with stress/depression (I couldn't tell the difference at that point...). I cried every day for hours. Making a cup of tea or emptying the dishwasher tipped me over the edge. I lost all confidence in my ability to do my job and be a mother. It was the worst 3 weeks of my life until the anti-depressants kicked in
and I felt strong enough to talk to Buzz and some close friends about what I was going through. Thankfully, 7 months later, I'm almost 'normal' again and yes, I did give up my job. Nothing is worth feeling like that for. Absolutely nothing! So, yes, Buzz and I are a bit skint now.....:(
Anyway, that's me. Buzz and I have our IVF consultation today for Coco junior! Roll on 1pm. I will write about how it went. God I hope we can start soon! Like tomorrow...x
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